Tragedy Sites, Architecture and Values
AHO, Oslo
This is the second OCCAS seminar on the future of the government quarter after the 22 July bombing.
Randall Mason, associate professor, University of Pennsylvania: Tragedy Sites from the perspective of values-centered conservation.
Mattias Ekman comments on the ongoing debate about demolition or restoration, and Christian Ebbesen introduces value assessment in relation to the work done by the ministry of government administration (FAD). The presentations are followed by an open discussion.
Randall Mason is associate professor of city and regional planning and chair for the graduate program in historic preservation at the University of Pennsylvania, school of design. His courses focus on historic preservation planning, urban conservation, history, and cultural landscape studies. Randall’s research interests include theory and methods of preservation planning, cultural policy, the economics of preservation, historic site management, the history and design of memorials, and the history of historic preservation. Randall has previously worked as Senior Project Specialist at the Getty Conservation Institute, researching economic and social issues relating to heritage conservation.
Organised by Mattias Ekman and Lothar Diem, PhD-students, AHO, and Christian Ebbesen, Arkitektskap AS