Mari Hvattum



Mari Hvattum is an architect and an architectural historian; professor of architectural history and theory at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, and a founding member of OCCAS. She studied architecture at the Norwegian Institute of Technology in Trondheim; philosophy and aesthetics at the University of Bergen, and holds an M.Phil. and a PhD in architectural history from the University of Cambridge. Hvattum has taught architectural history in Norway and Britain, e.g. at the Architectural Association, London; Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow; University of Edinburgh; University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, as well as Central European University in Prague. Specializing on 19th-century architectural thinking, Hvattum is particularly interested in architecture’s relationship to history and knowledge.


Research projects:

“Routes, Roads and Landscapes: Aesthetic practices en route (Research Council of Norway, 2008–2012).

“The Printed and the Built. Architecture and Public Debate in Modern Europe” (Research Council of Norway, 2014–2018).

“Printing the Past. Architecture, Print Culture and Uses of the Past in Modern Europe” (HERA, 2016–2020).


Selected publications:


Style and Solitude.Cambridge MA.: MIT Press, 2022 (forthcoming).

Hva er Arkitektur. Oslo:Universitetsforlaget, 2015.

Heinrich Ernst Schirmer. Kosmopolittenes arkitekt.Oslo: Pax, 2014.

Gottfried Semper and the Problem of Historicism. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004.


Edited Books:

The Printed and the Built. Architecture, Print Culture, and Public Debate in the Nineteenth Century(with Anne Hultzsch). London: Bloomsbury, 2018.

Debatten om stortingsbygningen 1836–1866. Oslo: Pax, 2016.

Modelling Time. The Permanent Collection 1925–2014(with Mari Lending).Oslo: Torpedo Press, 2014.

‘Vor Tids Fordringer’. Norske arkitekturdebatter 1818–1919(with Mari Lending). Oslo: Pax, 2012.

Routes, Roads and Landscapes(with Brita Brenna, Janike Kampevold Larsen and Beate Elvebakk). Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.

An Eye for Place: Christian Norberg-Schulz as Architect, Teacher and Historian (with Gro Lauvland and Karl Otto Ellefsen). Oslo: Pax, 2009.

Tracing Modernity: Manifestations of the Modernin Architecture and the City(with Christian Hermansen). London: Routledge, 2004.


Selected articles:

“Historicism.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. Ed. Kevin Murphy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780190922467-0032

“Stilforflytninger». Kunst og Kultur vol 103, no 3/2020.

“Rocky Starts – Ephemeral Beginnings”, gta papersno 3/2019.

“Style. Notes on the Transformation of a Concept”, Architectural Histories 7(1), 2019. DOI:

“The Nordic Countries 1830-1914”, in Murray Fraser (ed) Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture, vol. 2. London: RIBA/Bloomsbury, 2019. DOI:10.5040/9781474207775.0080.

“Murder”, in M. Hvattum and A. Hultzsch (eds), The Printed and the Built. Architecture, Print Culture, and Public Debate in the Nineteenth Century. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018.

“Stil und Abgeschiedenheit”, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie,vol 66, no 6, 2018.

“Une historicisme héteronome. L’Assyrie de Gottfried Semper”, Revue Germanique International,no 26/2017.

Zeitgeist, Style and Stimmung.Notes on architectural historiography in the late eighteenth century”, in The Companion to 18th Century Architecture, eds Caroline van Eck and Sigrid de Jong, London: Wiley, 2017.

“Goethe Blindfolded”, in José de Paiva (ed.), The Living Tradition of Architecture. London: Routledge, 2017.

”On Durability”, Architecture Philosophy,vol 3, no 1, 2017.

“Heteronomic Historicism”, Architectural Histories – Journal of the EAHN, vol. 5 no 1/2017. DOI:

“Major og Schirmers Gaustad”, Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening, vol. 136 no 12/13 2016.

“The Garden and the City: Fragmented Dreams of Totality“, in Maximilian Sternberg and Henriette Steiner (eds), Phenomenologies of the City. Studies in the History and Philosophy of Architecture.Farnham: Ashgate, 2015.

“Sverre Fehn’s Villa Schreiner,” in Nina Berre and Mari Lending (eds.),Villa Schreiner, AsBuilt Classic, Oslo: Pax, 2014.

“Crisis and Correspondence. Style in the Nineteenth Century”, Architectural Histories – Journal of the EAHN2/2013.

“The Engineer’s Garden,” Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia (ACTA), 26/2013.

”The King’s Road: Constructing the National Landscape” (w/Brita Brenna, Torild Gjesvik and Janike Kampevold Larsen), in Kjerstin Aukrust (ed.), Assigning Cultural Values, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013.

”Views from the Road”, in Nina Frang Høyum and Janike Kampevold Larsen (eds.), Views: Norway seen from the Road/ Utsikter: Norge sett fra veien. Oslo: Nasjonalmuseet / Press forlag, 2012.

“Forms of Friction: JVA architects 1996-2012” in Design Peak 14: Jarmund/Vigsnæs Architects. Seoul: Equal Books, 2012.

“Nordic Nonumentality” Nordic Journal of Architecture, no 2/2012.

”Panoramas of Style: Railway Architecture in Nineteenth Century Norway”, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians v ol. 70, 2/2011.

“She came down like a dream.’ Gordon Matta-Clarks Splitting”, Agora. Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 3/2010.

“Lost in Place: Jarmund/Vigsnæs Architects”, World Architecture vol. 245, 11/2010.

“Stedets tyranni”, Arkitekten (Denmark) 2/2010.

“The problem of Aesthetics”, in Made in Norway. (ed. Ingerid Helsing-Almaas), Basel: Birkhäuser 2010.

“Modified modernism: the relational architecture of the low-rise high-density movement” in C. Spliid-Høgbro and A. Wischmann (eds), Nortopia: Nordic modernarchitecture and postwar Germany. Berlin: Jovis Verlag 2010.

“En reise i fremmed land: Verneteoretiske posisjoner i samtidsarkitekturen” in P. Butenschøn (ed.), Tid i arkitektur: om å bygge i fire dimensjoner. Oslo: Akademisk Publisering 2009.

“The Pleasure of Surprise” In: Positions. On Modern Architecture and Urbanism Histories and Theories 1/2008.

“Veiled Works and Blurred Contexts”, Journal of Architecture vol. 13, 2/2008.

“Unfolding from within: Modern Architecture and the Dream of Organic Totality”, Journal of Architecturevol. 11, 4/2006.

“Origins Redefined: a Tale of Pigs and Primitive Huts”, in Primitive: Original Matters in Architecture (eds. F. Samuels, J. Odgers, A. Kerr) London: Routledge 2006.


Originally posted Jan 19, 2013. Latest revision Nov 15, 2022.

© OCCAS 2012. All rights reserved.